All You Need To Know About The Delicate Artwork Filigree

Jewellery is not just a piece of jewel but also a form of intrinsic art that is very precious. Talking of that, you may have come across a few jewel pieces like sterling silver filigree earrings or necklaces. In fact, you may have this sophisticated jewellery piece within your wardrobe itself, but what do you know about filigree? What do you understand by the term ‘filigree’? For those of you who are unaware, filigree has been an ancient Indian art since the 15th century. In this type, artisans curate detailed and intrinsic designs to achieve a sophisticated and precious artistic product. If you are someone who gets excited about unique details and designs in jewellery, then filigree is your type. Let's help you understand this delicate jewellery artwork in detail. 

Here’s Everything About Filigree Jewellery: 

Origin & Inspiration 

The origin of Filigree jewellery dates back thousands of years, during the civilizations of the Mesopotamian Era. During that particular period, several countries had been practising Filigree jewellery making. That’s because it was very popular then and most of the women used to wear it quite often. Now, filigree jewellery has become one prominent jewellery piece in the fashion world. 

What Actually Is A Filigree Jewellery? 

The name "Filigree" comes from the Latin words 'Filum' and 'Granum'. These two words mean thread and bead, and that's what filigree jewellery basically consists of. Fine metal threads and little beads are used together to create beautiful motifs and designs for jewellery pieces like earrings, dangle choker necklace, pendants and more. The most special thing about a piece of filigree jewellery is that the end result of every piece is always different, and thus each piece is unique and different. An artwork we can call that comes as a result of complete dedication and love.

Crafting Technique Of Filigree Jewellery 

You may not know, but filigree is one of the most delicate jewellery techniques. This technique involves the presence of precious metals like gold and sterling silver. In this technique, artisans solder tiny beads and twisted threads to curate eclectic artistic motifs, designs and intricate lace patterns for every jewellery piece. All the fine wire elements are welded together to curate small and quirky accessories, usually jewellery pieces like bracelets, earrings, evil eye necklaces and rings. 

In fact, the process of creating silver Filigree jewellery requires extra effort. This process comprises producing part by combining silver wires as this as hair in pieces and giving it a quirky and impeccable shape. The designs can adapt to shapes of wonderful scroll work, symmetrically, lacy flourishes, and much more. Wires are one of the most important elements of curating filigree jewellery. It is another fine art popular with Turkish jewellery

Filigree Jewellery Comes With Great Advantages 

One of the reasons why every woman owns a piece of filigree jewellery is because it actually refines the way you look. The clean and refined appearance of FIligree jewellery screams versatility and elegance in every sense. It is another great jewellery collection for individuals who love a hint of old-world charm in the modernized world. Even after being so delicate, there's something about this jewellery that's very comforting. 

This artwork's potential is so wide that you may find the most unique and versatile designs in every piece. Especially silver Filigree jewellery is a great choice if you are looking for a subtle collection. No matter what you wear, filigree jewellery can amplify even the most simple outfit to a glamorous one.


The delicate, soft ornamental designs achieved with filigree are actually perfect for creating an aura of romance. No matter what you pair sterling silver filigree earrings with, you will surely make a classy statement different from everybody. After reading this, you must have a desire to own one, then Zehrai is your ultimate answer to that wish. Here you can get access to the finest Filigree jewellery pieces like earrings, evil eye necklaces and silver bracelets online. Zehrai also provides a stunning collection of other exquisite jewellery pieces at great prices. Do check out the whole collection.